Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Making Laundry Detergent

I've been buying all-natural laundry detergent for years but have decided I'd rather just make it myself. So, I found a recipe and tried it out for the first time this week. I have to admit, I had a lot of fun making it and I am probably a little too proud of my accomplishment. I liken it to the extreme excitement I get when buying vinegar in bulk.
I have now washed several loads with this homemade detergent and it has worked very well. The consistency is a little gloppy, but it works. I do want to add some essential oil for scent though. But all in all, I feel it was a success. And at three cents a load, my pocketbook likes it too! As much laundry as I do with four children, less expensive detergent makes me almost as happy as bulk buying that vinegar I mentioned.
Here's a link to the recipe I used, should any of you like to try making your own soapy slime:
Homemade Laundry Detergent


Jess said...

I would be ecstatic to do laundry for 3 cents a load! I may have to try this. . .

DW said...

My sister makes her own detergent. I dont have the energy. But just an FYI the borax causes HUGE problems if you cloth diaper. I think it took my sister 2 months to get her diapers back to normal.

Props to you for making your own!

Heidi said...

Thanks! Did you try it with the borax on your diapers at all?

Lacey said...

I haven't used it on diapers. Hmmm... I didn't realize that about borax. Well, since it's optional I guess leave it out for diaper loads?

Organic Gardening Girl Gardens said...

I made my own laundry for the longest time, and I liked it. I recently switched to unscented commercial for two reasons: diapers, and our clothes were looking pretty dingy. That being said, I will probably go back to it after I'm finished with the diapers...hello from gather!